
Learn&Play at 2021 ChemE-Sports Competition for Chemical Engineering Students Great Opportunity for ChemE Students to Play, Learn & Connect With Global Teams

Learn&Play at 2021 ChemE-Sports Competition for Chemical Engineering Students

ChemE-Sports is back for 2021!

It's focus this year is the Amine Gas Treating Competition provided by PetroSkills - Simulation Solutions.


Remember the date: Sunday, November 7, 8:30AM-1:00PM EST! For more information and to join, get in contact with matthew.garvey@petroskills.com!

Student teams of 2-4 competitors can choose to compete on-site in Boston or virtually. 

This year’s program will feature a hybrid ChemE-Sports Competition on a chemical engineering optimization and safety skills based on an amine gas treating unit. The competition is open to undergraduate students who will have the opportunity to train and compete combining Virtual Reality provided by PetroSkills - Simulation Solutions. All competitors will work through multiple scenarios for the first round with the highest scoring teams advancing to the knockout rounds.

The competitors will be given real-life scenarios that could be observed in a plant and an objective to complete within a given timeframe. Scoring will be based upon both the profitability and the safety of the unit during the simulated run for each team. 

A chemical engineering optimization and safety skills competition based on an amine gas treating unit combining a Packed Absorption Column:

and a Regenerative Stripping Section:

...to deliver the purest ChemE-SportsTM competition on the globe to date!

Not to be missed!