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Download 10 Steps to Energy Efficiency Improvement Overview of Required Steps for Implementation of Energy Efficiency Projects
Once an industrial process unit is identified as a potential for energy efficiency improvement, the following project steps are required to implement the project.

20 Small Business Ideas for Chemical Engineers Best Opportunities for Chemical Engineers Who Want to Build Their Own Business
Are you a chemical engineer looking to start your own business? If YES, here are 20 small business ideas for chemical engineers.
Chemical engineering in one of the most important professions, because chemical engineers are responsible for energy, clean air, safe drinking water and food, drug manufacturing and other consumers products. Chemical engineers possess the right set of knowledge to bring innovations, new solutions, applications and deliver different kinds of projects.

How Composite Curves and Pinch Analysis are Used to Improve the Energy Efficiency of the Plant? Answering the Key Questions About Composite Curves
Composite curves are a synonym for the application of pinch technology and improvement of the unit's energy efficiency. Learning how to read them can be of great value in estimating the energy efficiency level of the current plant design.

Tranforming Process Data into Process Solutions What Every Engineer Should Know About Predictive Analytics and Process Data
Today, using the process data in a simple and practical way should be the primary knowledge of every chemical engineer.
Being able to recognize and use all the potential hidden in the process data is of immense importance in order to be able to operate the process in a more stable, efficient, and optimized way.

How to Estimate the Right Return on Investment for an Optimization Project Is it Art or Science to Estimate the Right Number?
Every optimization project requires development of benefit analysis or a benefit study to estimate the payback period of a project before making investment decisions. What are essential steps in performing a good benefit study?

How to Foster More Creativity in Chemical Engineering The World Desperately Needs More Chemical Engineers Who Create
Has chemical engineering lost its strive to support, praise and value creativity?
Has the constant struggle to fulfill monthly, quatarly, yearly sales plans, reduce costs and stick to strict structure totally wiped out the growth potential that rises out of creativity?
How to work on fostering more creativity to make great ideas a reality? We must act, experiment, fail, adapt, and learn on a daily basis.

How to Write a Good Case Study Key Elements of Every Successful Case Study
Putting together a compelling case study is one of the most powerful strategies for attracting future customers and proving your credibility. Developing and presenting a good case study is very often one of the key steps in selling your product, engineering knowledge or service. Engineering case studies are often a challenge because they require a good balance between values and risks, shared information and estimation of costs and benefits.

Why Is The Pinch Analysis One Of The Most Important Methods For Energy Efficiency Improvement? Pinch Method As The Powerful Technique for Energy Efficiency Improvement, Process Integration and Optimization
Maintaining good performance of the heat exchanger networks is a major part of an energy efficiency program and pinch analysis is a brilliant technique to do that because it is both simple and practical. However, there are some questions that very often pop-up when talking about pinch analysis.

10 Good Habits to Build a Robust and Reliable Process Model A Simulation Project is Much More Than Knowing a Particular Simulation Tool
A successful simulation project is one that delivers useful information or a result at the appropriate time to support a meaningful decision or a task. However, achieving that is not always an easy task. A simulation project is much more than building a model, so the skills that are required go well beyond knowing a particular simulation tool. What are most important engineering habits when building a robust and reliable process models?

Exciting Times for Chemical Engineers as the Necessity for Sustainable Development Drives Innovation New Technologies and Products Are Emerging - New Skills Will Have to Follow
The need for sustainable development of our society that balances social, environmental and economic aspects is bringing major developments in chemical and processing industry. Priorities are slowly but surely changing, new products and technologies are being developed, old technologies are being revised and new perspectives for existing processes are being defined.